I made it! First state-school half term

Hi! Apologies for the massive gap since last posting. I’m so busy and if I’m not at the beck and call of children, I’m usually in bed marking /watching TV. 

So where are we? 

Twins-in-their-own-bed? Yes. Up to a point. 

Girls started school? Nope. Still at the free two days but the nursery has given itself a bit of a shakeup and now provides a uniform and teachers who follow the Montessori way. We are making that all-important schools choice now though! I visited 5 local schools and whereas by reputation I wanted our nearest one, I felt that after viewing the others that we are very fortunate- all of them were impressive and different to each other. 

Started back in a state school? YES. It’s all kinds of awesome that a school obsessed with knee-high socks and hymns isn’t. For me, personally. Education should be free and excellent. That’s where I’m at. The commute is long but amazing. I had been so anxious but I get to cycle all the way along the water – a tiny river, the Thames and the Regent’s Canal. And I’m trimming down my jiggle. (Yessssss!) 

New place coming along? Yes and no. We have a list as long our arms to do. I can’t wait to have the floors sanded and finished, but we are paying for our (4, sob) tickets to Thailand first and then we must prioritise- the dodgy boiler probs needs to be next. 

Garden reverted to orchard /refuse tip/ forest? No- it’s looking nice. Need to think about some fencing though. 

Girls’ behaviour? Well we still have outbursts. But they listen, they understand, and we try to be consistent and firm. 

UK’s behaviour? All I can say is I’M SO SORRY WORLD. I hope something happens to stop this high-speed train crash. Whatever the vote result there is no excusing the unbridled hatred and xenophobia being not only permitted but promoted and exploited by our government. Sad sad sad times. 

It’s HALF TERM! It looks like conjunctivitis and some kind of pox have arrived bang on cue. 

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