Babywearing stuff.


I will try to build up a bank of video tutorials and demonstrations / info here.

I am in love with my girls and with wearing them – I want to spread the love!

Some view Babywearing as merely practical and / or for bonding.. Others get sucked down an incredible rabbit hole of hunger for the next release and pattern. I would say the most highly sought after (HSA) patterns are Artipoppe Argus and a variety of  Woven Wings. I can only explain the huge appeal in part due to the glamour of them; many women don’t find much pzazz in the years of early motherhood. Here is a beautiful high-end something for which you have a legitimate reason to treat yourself.

My collection of wraps has peaked as I am now wearing huge toddlers and working so they generally get used at weekends. I have been through SO many. This happiness with a wrap collection is termed “stashified” mongst seasoned babywearers. Here is the pile of keepers: 


I can’t quite remember whether my first wrap purchase was a Didy petrol Pfau or my Oscha Starry Night Ash  – anyway, they have both moved on to new homes now, as has my third purchase; an Ellevill paisely Java. I really like this about babywearing – there is always a new and loving home to send your wrap on to once you’re tired of a pattern or if your baby outgrows the weight of the fabric. Failing that, they would make unbelievable upholstery fabric.

Wrap makers:
Didymos (DE) is said to be the mama of all the wrap manufacturers. It’s been going at least as many years as I have been alive, and is fabulous. They have a wide range of wraps from the functional to the beautiful.

I think I am right in saying that their most enduring design, now available in a dizzying array of fabric blends and colours, is the Indio:


Oscha (UK) were all the rage for a while (when I first got hooked) but have found themselves out of favour.

Newer (and fancier) companies (which often sell less than 10 of one design and weave using all sorts of a la fibres)

Artipoppe (NL)
Woven Wings (UK)


Lawilde (UK)



Sling Studio:



Different carries.

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