
So we are having quite a stressful regression of sorts in our household. 
Did I write a post about being potty trained? I think I did! Well serves me right. 
I am right now powering down the road away from work as I arrived late and had to leave again. I’m powering down the road to see if I can find some tights. Let’s go back and I’ll try to explain the stress of the morning. 

It’s been building for about a week. Our stress is centring around what might be the stress of one of the Pickles. We don’t really know how LPO is feeling, but she is weeing herself left right and centre and not in the toilet – and there has been a general twilight-zone feeling around here; are we moving to a new phase of boundary testing? 

Is it because they are snotty and feverish? I can live with the increased whining, as in sure we will find a way to deal with it, but the nightly bed wetting is completely new and given that we co-sleep, particularly unpleasant. We have had, prior to this week, three wees in the bed. I think all by LPI too. This week it has been 6. And during the day LPO has been telling us she needs to go far too late. 


Back to this morning. We took some measures against the weeing last night- took LPO back to the loo and she weed twice. We were hopeful that it might be the end of it. Nope. Another stinking wet patch and further permanent deterioration of our brand spanking new mattress. This morning’s extra disaster really (along with this excessive whining, the fighting/ snatching, the wee-cleaning and des-stripping) was the failure of the boiler. Me and LPO smelling like incontinents and a freezing wash the only option. 
I called my work and told them I would miss the briefing and raced as fast as I could on my bike. When I arrived, I needed to change (as I do every morning) and discovered my tights (pantyhose, I believe, US mamas?) were not in my bag. Who knows how they removed themselves from my clutches but they did . Hence the huffing and puffing to the shops to locate an emergency replacement. Today can stuff off already. So can this ‘phase’. What could cause this kind of wee-regression? Any ideas? 
I need to take LPO literally while she is sleeping to wee again. However, the girls’ PJs are onesies which needs to change- try taking a slumbering 3-year-old to wee on the loo in one of those without waking them into a rage. 
Will let you know how this progresses. 

One thought on “Weegression

  1. Oy vey – that sounds so frustrating! My daughter potty trained late (3 years, 2 months) and has not yet had a regression so I have no experience with this (yet!). I hope for the sake of your washing machine this is a very temporary phase!

    PS – My daughter has those heart PJs! (Or ones that look just like them).

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